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Posts tagged “rose hips

Drink your Vitamin C in cups of rose hips tea

A while back, I bought dried rose hips at our organic food co-op, put them aside for ‘later.’ You guessed it…later never came. Till the other night.

I’d known that rose hips—they come from wild roses—have a lot going for them, nutritionally. They’re loaded with Vitamin C, even more, the site tells me, than oranges! But how to use my small supply was the question, and probably the reason I tucked them aside in the first place.

There may be other ways to unleash the benefits rose hips offers, but making tea is the one I tried…and enjoyed immensely!

I followed the site’s directions, and voila!  delicious tea was my reward.  I added no sweetener of any kind (raw honey is my usual, preferred sweetener). For lovers of pink, you’ll be delighted to know you may be drinking pink, as I did.  While I enjoyed the flavor, my daughter Heather didn’t find it as much to her liking. ( Maybe she’ll grow a taste for it next time I make it.)

Here’s the simple recipe:

  • Put 4 cups of filtered water into a saucepan.
  • Add one tablespoon of dried rose hips.
  • When it comes to a boil, cover and simmer for 15 minutes.
  • Strain into your favorite cup.
  • Find a comfy chair, enjoy a good book or article as you sip your Vitamin C.

Our food co-op has a robust bulk foods section that includes dried rose hips. The above site notes that dried rose hips can go for as much as $25 a pound, but who can’t love buying just the quantity you need from a reliable bulk department?

If you try this tea, let me know if you like it. Have you found any other ways to use rose hips?